
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Muth

Wed Nov 04 13:58:24 UTC 2020
born 1916 in Innsbruck. The father is an officer in the Kaiser shooters, "Kaiserschützen". His mother died when Robert was seven years old. Robert appears in the gymnasium of the Marian Congregation, studied Classics and Archaeology in Vienna and Innsbruck. He is a PhD Member of the Patriotic Front. 1939 he does not go to the front, gets the opportunity of a university career, habilitation 1945. After the war he contributes to the establishment of the European Forum Alpbach. In 1951 he married Hildegard Stadler. Twice time he ist Dekan of the University of Innsbruck. He lived until his death on 25 Nov. 2008 in Innsbruck.